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4 Networking & Education Resources for Procurement Professionals

Written by Hannah Broaddus | April 1, 2015

 Want to advance your career?  We all do.

Part of growing and advancing to your next role requires learning.  Go to school, master a new skill.  Naturally, the more experienced you are, the more valued you become-- in your current job and in your next.

The other part of professional development all comes down to networking.  When it comes to landing that perfect job, sometimes what matters more is who you know, not what you know.

Whether you're on the job hunt or just looking to continue to grow professionally, these resources are a must for anyone in the procurement field.  

Learn what you want to know and connect you with who you want to know.



Chances are that you already have a LinkedIn account. It connects you to other procurement professionals, suppliers and possibly even your next job.

But did you know how much you can learn on LinkedIn? Articles are published by members and the most popular authors and topics are featured in their Pulse section. You can also follow topics and groups so that articles that interest you will pop up automatically.

All you have to do is follow the groups related to your field. Here’s a good list of the one’s we think will interest you most.



Procurious is a new networking site specifically for the procurement industry. It connects anyone that touches the supply chain — including supply and logistics — but really focuses on being a network for procurement specifically.

It functions very similarly to LinkedIn— you create your own profile (which you can actually import from LinkedIn) to connect with other buyers and read articles.


They even have educational resources if you want to learn more about a particular procurement topic or you are new to the field.


Procurement Leaders

Procurement leaders is a membership network connecting senior procurement and supply chain executives. They offer “independent procurement intelligence, professional development and peer to peer networking”, with the goal of progressing the field of procurement.

Good news though, you don't have to be a member to enjoy what they have to offer. Their blog is an awesome site filled with daily articles that speak specifically to the procurement industry. Best of all, they’re written by some top procurement and business professionals so you know they know what they’re talking about.


Supply Chain Brief

The Supply Chain Brief functions like a newspaper. It was put together by the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Society, and includes a mass of information about everything logistics and supply chain related.

Think of this site more like a spring board— it includes links to articles you’ll be interested in all over the web, and will pull you to a number of different sites while you’re reading. That said, the information they have is very valuable.


Share your other favorite procurement sites in the comments below— help us all find new and helpful info to follow!