Bulk Oil Blog | Non-GMO, Organic and Olive Oils

8 Reasons Why Consumers Choose To Buy Organic

Written by Alexa Ketterling | March 16, 2020

The organic industry is continuing to grow, and organic foods are holding more and more appeal to consumers that are already buying natural or non-GMO.

There are many different reasons that consumers choose to buy organic, and they have a wide range from personal health matters to much more massive scale reasons such as ecosystem or water preservation.

If you are selling organic products or perhaps thinking about developing a new organic or clean product line, it is essential to understand all the different possible reasons a consumer might choose organic foods.

This market research will help you connect with your consumers and ultimately be more successful at selling your brand.

So with further ado, here are 8 reasons that consumers choose to go organic.


Avoid Chemicals

Consumers are concerned about the number of pesticides that conventional foods have them consume. Some estimate around 16 pounds of pesticides is consumed per person per year. Source

By eating organic foods, this allows consumers to reduce the number of pesticides in their body. Did you know that going organic for only 2 weeks can remove almost all of the pesticides consumed in your body?


Avoiding GMOs

Consumers seem to be increasingly avoiding GMOs, and the popularity of non-GMO foods has skyrocketed. The simplest ways that consumers are finding to avoid GMOs and simplify their research process is to buy organic foods.

USDA regulations state that organic foods can not contain genetically modified ingredients. That means that if you choose organic foods, you will automatically be avoiding GMOs.

You can also look for the Non-GMO Project Verified butterfly seal.


Avoiding Hormones And Antibiotics

One of the most important categories to buy organic in is dairy and meats.  Why? More than 90% of the pesticides American's consumption comes from meat and dairy products. Are you starting to wonder why this number is so high?

The EPA reports that a majority of pesticide intake comes from poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and meat products because these foods are higher on the food chain. For example, a large fish that eats a smaller fish that eats an even smaller fish accumulates all of the toxins of the chain. So with that said, animals higher on the food chain have a higher accumulation of toxins and pesticides from all of the other animal by-products and non-organic foods they've eaten along the way. Source

Why don't people want to consume this high level of hormones and antibiotics? The primary concerns are the increasingly early onset of growth of tumors, puberty, heightened cancer risks, and genetic problems.


Benefits From More Nutrients

Organically grown foods have been documented to contain healthier nutrients than their conventional counterparts. This is primarily because the soil is managed and nourished in a different way that will allow the food to develop more nutrients during the growing process.

Yes, this fact has been debated, but The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine conducted a review of 41 published studies comparing the nutritional value of organically grown and conventionally grown fruits, vegetables, and grains. In this review, they concluded that there are significantly more of several nutrients in organic foods crops.

It has been found that organically grown foods provide on average:

  • 21% more iron
  • 27% more vitamin c
  • 29% more magnesium
  • 13% more phosphorus

than their conventional food counterparts.


Preserve Ecosystems

Consumers also choose to eat organically because they believe that it helps sustain better earth. Choosing organic foods allows fewer pesticides and chemicals to be put into the ground and helps to preserve our soil. It also will enable animals like wildlife, insects, birds, and soil organisms to play a healthy regular role in the growth of food.

This back-to-nature view holds the old small-scale farming practices of our ancestors in revere and helps us create a long-term sustainable plan for our future.


Pollution Reduction And Protect Water and Soil

The purpose of using chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers in conventional food growth has to increase crop yields and reduce pests that kill the plants. But once they've succeeded in their original purpose, what percentage of the chemicals are "left over" after harvesting? And where do those chemicals go?

Pesticides and fertilizers work their way into our soil, our water systems, and our environment. They stick around for a long time because there is no systematic way of removing them.

Choosing organic foods reduces the use of chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, and allows there to be no leftovers that can continue to affect the ecosystem.


Preserve Agricultural Diversity

Irish potato famine is an excellent example of the need for genetic biodiversity. In Ireland, they had just a few kinds of potatoes, and when a blight traveled through the land, almost all available food was destroyed, and millions of people died of starvation.

When the diversity of crops is lowered, it puts all humans at risk for a lack of food if blight or pests kill the plants. That kind of diversity is something that keeps our land healthy and keeps us safe if something unexpected comes through and kills particular types of foods.

It has been estimated that 75% of our crop's genetic diversity has lost in the last century. Many conventional farms today consist of just one type of crop. Smaller organic farms, however, often promote biodiversity and include the number of different kinds of food.

Organic consumers feel that supporting this agricultural diversity is the right way for them to support our race's long term survival.


Keep Their Children And Future Safe

Choosing organic can be a way for consumers to invest in their children, their future, and the future of the earth.

When you take all the reasons above into account, you can see that the desire to support organic foods can feel overwhelming and utterly crucial to many consumers.  Choosing organic foods is a way of voting. Every time they go to the grocery store, they are choosing to support their beliefs and a future that they want to invest in.

As a food manufacturer, you get to be a part of that too!  For organic bulk oil ingredients, visit our online store or contact us for pricing.