Bulk Oil Blog | Non-GMO, Organic and Olive Oils

All About The Olive Oil Grades

Written by Hannah Broaddus | April 18, 2014

If you're sourcing bulk oil, your search will always culminate around what type of oil you decide that you want.  You may be selecting a particular grade of olive oil, or you may decide to go with a different type of oil altogether, like Canola Oil or Safflower Oil. 

If you want to get bulk olive oil prices, "What grade would you like?" will be the first question that your supplier will ask you in return.  Here's some basics about the different grades of olive oil (and other oils) so that you can make educated choices.

Explore these popular articles:

The Grades of Olive Oil: Simple & Clear Definitions

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The Non-GMO Movement and It's Affect On Bulk Oils

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