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Inspiration On How To Be Optimistic and Successful (At The Same Time)

Written by Alexa Ketterling | January 20, 2016

Do you worry about how you’re going to reach all of your goals in 2016?

January is a time when many people are looking at the big picture over the next year — which can be an overwhelming task.

Maybe you feel like giving up at times, or you aren’t getting noticed at your job by anyone. If you have ever felt like that, don’t worry — you will make it.

In this blog, I will be using some of my favorite quotes to help encourage you if you’re feeling overwhelmed, if you feel like giving up, or if you feel like you’re not being seen for your hard work.

I have felt like this before, but I always have to remember if I’m not challenged than I may be bored or not working hard enough. It is never easy giving a hundred percent all the time. Just remember to do what you can to do, to the best of your abilities.



Do you ever get overly stressed with the goals your supervisor, boss, or co-workers have set before you? Do you ever worry about not being able to meet the goals that you have set for yourself?

We can all get overly stressed just thinking about all the goals before us. Don’t let it worry you too much, it will only seem overwhelming for a short amount of time. What helps me is finding a person in my life (whether it be a friend, family member, husband, co-worker, etc.) that I know will encourage me, support me, allow me to vent when I need to process all that needs to be done.

Consider a once a week or once a month lunch break with that person of your choice or a dinner were you can catch up and talk specifically about your goals and the progress you’ve made. It will help you stay focused and accountable. In this meeting, review how you are doing and ask for any support you might need to help you achieve your goal.

When your goals are challenging you, remember that Thomas Paine said,

“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

Along the same lines, Dan Waldschmit says,

“Trying is winning in the moment.”


Don’t Give Up

Everyone, at some point in their career, has felt like giving up — don’t ever think its just you. We can get so involved with making everyone around us happy that we get more wrapped up in the feeling of letting our bosses and our co-workers down.

Abraham Lincoln once said,

“Whatever you are be a good one.”

Sometimes it may not seem like we are cut out for what we are doing. You can use this feeling of giving up to re-direct you — find a new “whatever you are” if what you’re doing right now isn’t working.

You can also use that feeling of wanting to give up to motivate you to work harder. John Madden says it well:

“The road to Easy Street goes straight through the sewer.”

Remember that you’ll have to go through hard times to get to “Easy Street”. You may have challenges thrown at you, but it’s only because those around you know that you can handle it.


On Receiving Recognition

Does your boss notice what you have done? This is a sensitive topic for many — especially when you put in lots of effort into your work but still don’t receive the recognition you want, your morale and motivation can take a nose dive. Outwardly, your responses to co-workers may become “not that nice” (to say the least).

Warren Buffet says,

“It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.”

For me, this is something I try to take to heart. It’s important to always take a step back and look at what each department in the company is doing and what we bring to the table. It’s always nice to receive recognition — which is one of the basic things required by any good leader.

It’s also important to know the behind the scene, the things you do are a huge part of your company’s success. Try to look at the big picture of the difference that your daily efforts make: even though you may not be told all the time you are a needed person to your department and to your company. You are valuable.


Inspiration Moving Forward

Sometimes it helps to have some inspiration. Perhaps these quotes you know will help you in your times of struggle.

“Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts.”

       - Winston Churchill

It takes courage to be confident every day. It’s ok to fall but remember do not stay down — get back up and on the horse.

“Lean in, speak out, have a voice in your organization, and never use the word ‘sorry.”

     - Trish Bertuzzi

I love this quote. While there are times it’s important be quiet, it’s also very important for you to speak up and use your voice in your organization — we all have something very valuable to say.

Even if you’ve only been with your organization for a short amount of time, your opinion counts — often it’s the younger or newer employees that can see the complete organizational system in a new way and help find a way to make it work better. Everyone’s brains work differently so there maybe something you understand better then another. Speak up.


In Review

In closing, lets look at some key take aways from each of these topics that can help us not only be optimistic but succeed more than we ever thought possible this next year.

  1. Don’t be afraid of the goals you have set for yourself.
  2. Find someone who can and will support, and encourage you
  3. Do not give up. You were put in your position for a reason. You’ve got this!
  4. Be confident in yourself.
  5. Know you were talced in the seat you are in because someone believed/believes you can do it.
  6. Do not always look for the spot light.
  7. Know you are wanted and valuable to your team
  8. Know its ok to mess up, it happens. Without mess ups there is no way to grow and learn.

My final (and all time favorite) quote is by Audrey Hepburn. She says,

“Nothing is impossible; the word itself says ‘I’m Possible.’”

So just remember when you want to give up, feel in over your head, or like you’re not being seen/heard, YOU ARE POSSIBLE. And you can and will do all that is set out on the path in front of you.

Here is to all the optimistic spirits and success for 2016! Best wishes and good luck.