Bulk Oil Blog | Non-GMO, Organic and Olive Oils

3 Reasons You Should Switch To High Oleic Non-GMO Canola Fry Oil

Written by Hannah Broaddus | January 22, 2015

Interest in non-GMO oils is on the rise in the food manufacturing industry. Even in restaurants, the use of non-GMO oils is becoming very popular.

Non-GMO Canola Oil is one of the most popular options, given that it’s an easy switch if you’re already using conventional canola or soybean oil.

But did you know there’s a few different kinds of non-GMO canola oil that you’ll need to choose between? The right one for you depends on HOW you’re using it. If you’re using it as an ingredient, regular Non-GMO Canola Oil works great. But, if you’re frying, there’s a premium quality alternative that is (gasp!) actually cheaper in the long run. 

Here’s a few good reasons you will want to switch to this new premium (and healthier) fry oil, High Oleic, Expeller Pressed Non-GMO Canola Oil.


It’s Non-GMO

Non-GMO oils are incredibly popular right now, as restaurants and consumers are demanding healthier food options.

Using non-GMO canola oil to fry your foods can help you meet your customers desires and increase your marketing power for your business.


It’s Expeller Pressed

Most versions of Non-GMO Canola Oil are also expeller pressed. This means that the oil is extracted using physical means only, and no chemicals or solvents are used to get the oil out.

Even though this is a less efficient way to produce oil, it is a healthier system that produces a healthier oil.


You’ll Save Money Over The Fry Life Of The Oil

Here’s my favorite part. This high oleic oil is both non-GMO and expeller pressed, so it is a premium oil that comes at a premium price. But wait.

Because it’s high oleic, the fry life of the oil is up to 50% longer than conventional fry oil.  This is just what's documented in controlled studies.  We've seen and heard stories of much longer ourselves.

Want some real proof? Here's some case studies that you might enjoy!


UMass Switches To High Oleic Canola, Decreases Oil Usage 10% [CASE STUDY]

High Oleic Canola Oil Doubles Fry Life & Saves $1450 Per Restaurant [CASE STUDY]

High Oleic Canola Oil Saves Restaurant Chain Over $1M [CASE STUDY] 


This means that even if you pay more for your oil today, you won’t spend that money again for a long time. In comparison, you will have bought more orders of your “cheaper oil” by the time that you’d need to order the High Oleic Non-GMO Canola Oil again.

So over the life of your oil, you’re saving a lot of money by going with the more expensive option.


Key Takeaways

High Oleic Non-GMO Canola Oil will offer huge savings by simply making the switch to a healthier oil with a longer shelf life. In addition, now you can tell your customers that your fry oil is GMO free and expeller pressed.

It’s a win-win switch for you!

Still trying to decide if this oil is for you? Start by downloading the Non-GMO Canola Oil - A Guide For Food Manufacturers to learn more about the oil.

Then request a consult and pricing-- you can even get samples to be able to try the oil and see how it will work for you.