In Hebrew, Kosher means fit or proper. When used with food products, kosher means that the item in question meets the dietary requirements of Jewish law. These are requirements set forward by the Jewish faith, and nutritional restrictions followed year-round.
Want to find out more about what it means to offer a Kosher food product? Read on.
The laws for Kosher and very complex, the basics of Kosher guidelines can be broken into the following categories with a few examples for each.
1. Permitted and Prohibited Food Sources:
- All shellfish are not permitted
- All rodents and insects are not permitted
- Only those with cloven hooves and chew their cud
2. Preparation Of Meat
- Once the meat has properly slaughtered, it must undergo a process known as askashering to drain it of blood, which the Torah prohibits for consumption.
- Meat must be slaughtered by Kosher laws, which includes having a Rabbi onsite to ensure that the highest standards of kashrus are maintained.
3. Separation Of Meat And Dairy
- Dairy and meat must not be eaten together
4. Kosher Utensils/Equipment And Ingredients
- There must be no cross-contamination between equipment and utensils that are to process Kosher and non-Kosher food.
5. Kosher For Passover
- The special kosher requirements of Passover exclude all leavened grains, mixtures of grains, or derivative products - all forms of chometz - from the Jewish Passover diet.
Here at Centra Foods, all of our oils are certified kosher. Certificates available upon request.
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