Are you wondering if you can use a drum pump in both steel and plastic drums? Well, the answer is yes! And even better, you can use the same pump in both types of drums.
Let me break down for you how easy it is to use.
How To Use A Drum Pump
You don’t need many tools or pieces of industrial equipment to use a drum pump. Ready for the “long” list of items you need to get started?
Items Needed
- Drip pan for drum bung after removal
- Drum wrench to remove the bung
- Drum pump
- Packaging to pump the oil into
You only really need the 4 things above to get started.
Now, let me start to break down the use of the drum pump. Don’t worry, that list isn’t very long either. Whether you have a massive production plant or a small warehouse, you will already have the perfect amount of space.
The use of a drum pump is not complex at all.
Step 1: To start, you will remove the 2 inch bung on the top of your drum. After you have done that, you can set it in a drip tray to keep it clean during the process of pumping oil.
Step 2: Grab your drum pump and place it into the drum bung hold. You will want to be sure it has touched the bottom of the drum before you start to tighten the pump so it is secure while pumping your oil.
Step 3: Remove the safety latch on the handle by squeezing and either moving it forward or backwards.
Step 4: Finally, grab your appropriate packaging and start pumping.
Step 5: Once you have finished filling the appropriate packaging, rotate the nozzle upward and leave the pump in the drum until your next use.
Now you have completed the process of using a drum pump!
Watch The Video
As you can see, it is not difficult at all to use. Even better, it takes up very little space in your facility.
If you want to make sure you fully understand how to properly use a drum pump, please feel free to watch this video from our Operations Manager, Kevin Smith.
Topics: Packaging, Purchasing & Procurement