Suppliers of Halal Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Posted by Hannah Broaddus

We often get asked whether we are suppliers of bulk Extra Virgin Olive Oils that meet Halal standards.  Therefore, we thought it would be worthwhile to post a Halal statement online. 

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Why Purchasing Bulk Olive Oil from a National Supplier Is Smart

Posted by Hannah Broaddus
There has been a powerful shift in the food marketplace over the last ten years.  Empowered food consumers have an increased awareness of the journey that their food takes to get to their plate, which has sparked a new emphasis on buying local, selling local and eating local.

However, many food companies have found that it is best to purchase particular specialty items on a national scale, in direct opposition to the widespread focus on “local”. These businesses are discovering that by buying nationally, they can provide the most competitive prices, receive the most efficient shipping and still demonstrate their social commitment to reducing their impact on the environment.

The prevailing factor that provides efficiencies in this model is “how direct from the original source” each company is buying their palletized ingredients.
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