If you use IBC caged aluminum totes in your food production, you may not have the space to keep them once they have been emptied of edible oil inside. We often get questions from customers about what do to with these totes once they are emptied.
Empty totes can take up a lot of space in a warehouse or plant facility. You may be asking yourself, “What can I do to get rid of these empty totes and have room to continue doing business and pack jobs that need to be done”?
Here a just a few helpful ideas and suggestions if you find yourself wondering what to do with your IBC tote.
Sell Your IBC Totes On Craigslist
You can always post your IBC Totes to sites such as craigslist and sell them to the public to make extra money. You may be surprised at how many offers you may get.
People use them for all sorts of things. They can be used to store fish for companies that may bring in fish to sell or testing fish. They can be used as giant lanterns for events or clubs. They can even be turned into green houses or raised beds. The ideas can be endless.
People also use them as a rainwater catcher if they are needing to have a lot of water for some sort of project.
Other people in dry locations also set aside water for emergency purposes: a tote of drinking water requires IBC totes that are food-grade, which — if your tote has had oil inside — it is.
Free Used IBC Tote Pick-Up Service
Perhaps you are wanting to find a service or company that picks up used totes and even your 35 Lb. Containers. This solution gets the used packaging out of your space and doesn’t take up your precious disposal and recycling areas.
For anyone who isn’t able to sell the totes one by one, this is a logical next step. If that is the case and you are just looking for someone to pick them up, we recommend IBC Tote Recycling.
This company picks up used totes from 49 states, so they cover your needs whether you have one food manufacturing plant in California or 10 plants nationwide. They will even pick up your used 35 Lb. Containers.
Whether your totes contain used olive oil, used canola oil, or any other product, this company can help. They will allow you to never have to worry about how to get rid of recycle your used IBC totes.
Depending on the condition of your tote, they also have a buyback program where they may be able to purchase the totes they are picking up from your facility.
If you are wanting more information about recycling the totes please feel free to learn more here. If you want to schedule a tote pick up, you’ll just need to fill out a form online and you’ll receive a personal contact to get it coordinated.
Topics: Packaging