What's The Difference Between Non-GMO and Expeller Pressed?

Posted by Hannah Broaddus

Canola and Safflower Oil are often sold as Non-GMO, Expeller Pressed Oils. These are two different traits that are used to describe the oils, but you’ll often find them together. Why is that? Let’s first review what they mean, and then we’ll go into why.

Non-GMO Oils

Non-GMO refers to the fact that the seeds that become the oil are not genetically modified in the growing process. The term GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. When a crop is genetically modified, this means it’s genetic make up has been changed to help it be more resistant the herbicide Roundup and therefore grow more successfully. This is a practice that has become the norm in the US and Canadian farming communities. A non-GMO oil is made from seeds that do not use this practice.

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The Non-GMO Movement and It’s Affect On Bulk Oils

Posted by Hannah Broaddus

Oh, the places you'll go, non-GMO...

The Non-GMO movement is a hot topic right now. In fact, “GMO-free” is now the fastest growing store brand claim¹.

Whether you’re a producer, consumer or a manufacturer, everyone is discussing the importance of Non-GMO and how the new movement is affecting their work and their lives. For manufacturers and distributors in the natural foods sector, it’s especially important to understand the following:

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